
Friday 16 March 2018



  1. Hi There Suave,

    Well Done on doing a reflection about te tuhi yesterday which was really fun.I really enjoy your reflection when it had lots of beautiful colors and also well done on a putting down a photo of you and your artwork so your readers could see evidence from what you were doing at te tuhi. I think your title is slept wrong because how it had been slept Te Huhi instead of Te Tuhi and also to maybe do your font color another color so people could see it very well.Also write down what you enjoyed and what you found chanllenging Suave.Make sure to use my advice and GREAT JOB!.

  2. Hello there suave,

    I really like how you put expression in your writing and how you really tried your best on this, and how you made this colourful. But I think maybe next time you could proofread your work.
    Hopefully you have read my comment
    sincerely Kensington


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