
Friday 9 March 2018

P.E Sports

P.E Sports

On P.e I feel happy and safe with my school and I always think about playing in that tournament like if I am playing cricket. I will imaginate it in my brain and pretend that I was playing for my school and I will think about people cheering for me in the stadium.

And I am a boy that always imagnate stuff I work on and sometimes I feel like i'm dreaming and I think it doesn't hurt and when we played softball I was the first one to hit it far as I can. When I hit the ball far then I ran around the bases and I got a home run.

As soon as I got to the home base then everyone was like GO SUAVE!. And they were like this when I got to the end Nice one Suave and I was very happy and then my coach was kelly and she said your good Suave.




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  3. I really liked your paragraphs in your blog, but I thought you could pre read your work to make sure you have no punctuation mistakes and you should make sure that your work makes sences and that it's nice and engaging for example you wrote " And they were like this when I got to the end Nice one Suave " , just remeber that when you are writing make your writing sound engaging so that others feel excited about your work, anyways I think you did a great job in you work Suave :


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