
Thursday 15 August 2019

Word Study

Word Study: 

As you read, find a minimum of 25
words that are new or unfamiliar to you. For each word, write: 

Write your words down 

a) the page number on which you find it 

b) the context in which you find it (copy the sentence or phrase
from the book and underline the word) 

d) the dictionary definition of the word and any other
common forms of the word
  1. Grumbled:it means when someone complains about something.
  2. Suipi: its an samoan game
  3. Lauti:Lauti means that its a leave that if you dip it in water and you
  4. message someone it will feel nice. 
  5. Pitcher: pitcher means a Container from America
  6. that is filled up with anything.
  7. Murmured:murmured means that when someone saying
  8. something low to someone like a deep voice.
  9. Cool lemon juice:cool lemon juice means 
Number page

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